The Sentinel offers nonprofit and other community organizations an opportunity to promote upcoming events for free in the community calendar for three days before the event. Events requiring reservations may be promoted for up to two weeks before the reservation deadline.
Events that require a purchase from a for-profit business, even if a donation is made to the organization, are not eligible for the calendar.
Submit items at least one in advance via email,; call (717) 248-6741; online, Virtual Newsroom at; or mail or drop off, The Sentinel, 352 Sixth St., P.O. Box 588 Lewistown, PA 17044. The editor reserves the right to edit all submissions.
You must include a telephone number for verification purposes. The phone number is not for publication, unless so indicated.
• Chef salad sale — Pine Glen Church of the Brethren drive-thru sale; Cost $10, pickup is Aug. 19 between 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Order by calling Pam Mattern (717) 899-7528, Betty Ann Maxwell (717) 242-0501 or Kathy Stimely (717) 994-1223; leave a message if no answer. Made with roasted chicken and baked ham with homemade sweet and sour, Italian or ranch dressing. Last day to order is Aug. 14.
• Spaghetti benefit dinner — 4-7 p.m. Aug. 20 at Lewistown Senior Center, 515 Knepp Ave. $10 donation; proceeds to be split among senior centers in Lewistown, Milroy, McAlisterville and Mifflintown. Includes tossed salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage, eat in or take out. Tickets available at any senior center or the Mifflin-Juniata Regional Services office on 3rd Street in Lewistown.
• Chicken barbecue — Halves ready at 10:30 a.m. Aug. 20 at West Granville Township Fire Co., Strodes Mills. To reserve, call (717) 248-0665.
• Back to school bag sale — 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Sacred Heart Thrift Shop, 4 N. Dorcas St. Shoes and clothes, $5 per bag.
• Chief Logan Class of 1954 luncheon — 11:40 a.m. at Bel-Vue Inn. All class members and guests are welcome. More information: (570) 522-0944.
• Coffee with friends — 9 a.m.-noon at Lack-Tuscarora EMS, 9320 South Route 75, East Waterford.
• Dominos — 9 a.m., Yeagertown Senior Center.
• Back to school bag sale — 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Sacred Heart Thrift Shop, 4 N. Dorcas St. Shoes and clothes, $5 per bag.
• Kishacoquillas High School Class of 1958 luncheon — 11 a.m. at Burnham OIP.
• Chief Logan High School Class of 1965 picnic — 11:30 a.m. at the pavilion behind the baseball field at Hilltop Playground, Yeagertown. Place settings, hot dogs and whoopie pies provided. Bring a dish to share and drinks.
• Back to school bag sale — 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Sacred Heart Thrift Shop, 4 N. Dorcas St. Shoes and clothes, $5 per bag.
• Lewistown High School Class of 1954 luncheon — 11:30 a.m. OIP, Burnham. Graduates and guests are invited. This is a change from the normal Tuesday meetings.
• Mission quilts — 1 p.m., Yeagertown Senior Center. Sewing skills not necessary. Helpers needed.
• Back to school bingo — 6-8 p.m. at Faith United Methodist Church, East Waterford. All school-age children welcome. More information: Dawn Fry at (717) 734-3723.
• LHS Class of 1956 luncheon — noon, Sal Lee’s Dream, Strodes Mills.
Upcoming reunions, including missing classmate requests, are published as part of the calendar. Brief reports of reunions and class reunion photos with the people identified in the order in which they appear are accepted for publication in the Living section.
• Mellinger family reunion — Aug. 13 at Kish Park Green Pavilion. Meal at noon. Hamburgers, hot dogs and bottled water provided; please bring a covered dish to share. There will be an auction and games.
• Lewistown Granville High School Class of 1970 50th (+2) reunion — Aug. 13 from 6 to 11 p.m. at the Rec Park Community Center. Registration form can be found online at or call (717) 347-8223.
• Chief Logan High School Class of 1972 50th reunion — Aug. 13 from 5-10 p.m. at the Lewistown Country Club. Classmates and guest welcome. $18 per person. For reservations, call Tim or Patty Yearick at (717) 667-2076.
• Descendants of Paul, David and Raymond Guyer — 5 p.m. Aug. 14 at Lost Creek Community Park, McAlisterville. Bring a hot or cold dish to share.
• Lewistown High School Class of 1955 65th reunion — 1-5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 21, at Birch Hill Events in Burnham. For reservations call Mary at (717) 248-8871.
• Descendants of Samuel and Mary Krepps — Aug. 21 at Green Pavilion at Kish Park. Meal at 12:30 p.m.
• Lewistown Specialty Yarn reunion — Aug. 27 at Green Pavilion at Kish Park. More information: (717) 543-6093 after 10 a.m.
• Kishacoquillas Class of 1967 reunion — Aug. 27, Milroy fire House. Doors open at 5 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. Classmates and guests welcome. Call Dale (Butch) Treaster to reserve a $30 meal at (717) 667-2157.
• Headings family reunion — Aug. 28 at Green Pavilion at Kish Park. Meal at 12:30 p.m.
• Kishacoquillas Class of 1970 (+2) reunion — 5 to 9 p.m. Sept. 3 at Brookmere Winery, Belleville. Information contact Jane Garber at (717) 940-0037 or
• 78th annual Edward S. and Amelia M. Wagner reunion — noon, Sept. 3, Kishacoquillas Park in the bumper car/yellow pavilion. Bring your family, a covered dish and an item for auction.
• Lewistown High School Class of 1958 64th Reunion — 1 p.m. Sept. 17 at Kish Park Green Pavillion. Meal at 3 p.m. Hamburgers, Hot dogs and place settings provided. Complete your reservation form and indicate the covered dish or other items you will be bringing to share. If you can’t attend, submit your reservation form to update your contact information. Information: Theresa Schaaf at (717) 667-2389.
• Stewart and Emma (Arnold) Wagner family reunion — Sunday, Oct. 2 at The Annsfield, Route 35, Mifflintown. Email for more information.
• Chief Logan Class of 1958 — will get together at 4 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Belleville Store, or Tom and Ann McNabb’s Store on the corner of Belleville. For overnight accommodations, call (717) 935-2390. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Call Nellie Wilson, (717) 953-9288 by Sept. 26 with the number of attendees.
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